Big Revelations In Silence

Big Revelations In Silence

Revelations in Silence Sometimes when you take a little time out, and a little time to reflect, you get big revelations in silence. If you are on my email list, then you will have received emails from me in the past week about my experience with going about life in...
What 16 Masters Say About Love

What 16 Masters Say About Love

What do the masters say about love? February is the month of love and it’s always good to talk about love. After all, there can never be enough of it in the world. I do my best to spread love. I thought it might be fun to look into quotes about what different...
Does meditation even work?

Does meditation even work?

Does meditation even work? I’ve had some folks ask me this question from time to time. It’s usually a question that comes from someone who’s never tried it, but occasionally I get this question from experienced meditators. After all, you spend a lot...