Introduction to the 10-Minute Guided Morning Meditation

This 10-Minute Guided Morning Meditation is one I created to compliment the 15-Minute Guided Morning Meditation I also have. It’s ideal for folks new to meditation who don’t necessarily want to start off in complete silence and could use a little guidance. This particular meditation has music throughout, unlike the longer 15-minute version. If you have listened to both, let me know which you prefer and I can make more more of those.

I love writing and creating these meditations. For me, it becomes a meditative experience itself when I create and record them. I have to be aware of my own breathing and my own sense of calm, and I hope to pass that on in my work.

A little background…

I started off back in 2008 with short meditations in the mornings, much like the one I created here. Now, I do an hour each day. I haven’t gained much from meditation, but I can say that I have lost a lot of stress, anxiety, and stress that I used to feel all the time in my life. I still get stressed and I still get anxious, but I return to center much more easily now. I create these meditations in the hopes that others will find this to be true for them, too.

A lot of the meditations I create tend to be secular in nature. But along the way, I have found that meditation is an intensely spiritual practice for me. Hence the name of this website (the “spiritual” part) and combining that with the personality type I have: iNtuitive (from Meyers-Briggs).

guided morning meditation

When you practice this meditation

When you practice this meditation, set aside some time in the morning, before you start your day. My recommendation is to get up, drink some water, attend to personal needs, and go to your meditation cushion or chair before you begin any other activity. You’re still sleepy enough that it will help you to settle into meditation relatively quickly – and that is a good thing.

You can play the video and watch the candle, or minimize and just listen. I’ve also provided the script in case you’d like to try it out on your own and have a written version for reference. Enjoy!

10-Minute Guided Morning Meditation

Before Beginning

As you begin this practice, make sure you won’t be disturbed. 

You may sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or on a cushion – wherever you may be comfortable. Just be sure the position you find is one that you can maintain long enough for this meditation, about 10 minutes. Be kind to yourself. If you find that you need to shift, do so slowly and mindfully. 

When you meditate, it’s okay to have thoughts – they will come! Welcome them. Meditation need not be a strain. Don’t try too hard. Bring your gentle, non-judgmental attention back to this morning meditation when you find your thoughts have taken you somewhere else. 

Let go of expectations. You have come to your chair or cushion. Let yourself settle into this practice to benefit from this time of calm and silence. Once you begin, stick with it until the end.

Close your eyes, or cap them halfway, with a soft, unfocused gaze. 

Beginning the Meditation

Bring your awareness to your breath. Inhale through your nose and into your belly, expanding into your chest as far as you can go. Hold for a moment. Now release, starting with your chest and then your belly, as much as you can possibly exhale. You’ll repeat this two more times. Deep breath in…expand your belly, then your chest…hold…and exhale, starting with the chest and ending with your belly. One more time…inhale…expand your belly, then your chest…hold…now exhale….

Let your breathing return to normal.

If you find your thoughts wandering, gently come back to this morning meditation. Thoughts are okay. They will come. Return to this practice when you realize you’ve followed your thoughts. Be kind to yourself. This time is for you. Let go of judgmental thoughts and allow yourself to settle into this practice. 

For the next few breaths, bring your awareness to the rise and fall of the chest. Pause for a moment at the end of your inhale. Focus on that moment of silence. Now exhale. At the end of your exhale, pause. Focus on that silence. 

Do this two more times. 

Now, take two or three deep yawns. You can “fake yawn” until one comes on. 

Let your breathing return to a normal pace. Notice the natural rhythm of your breath. Breathe gently through your nose.

Do a Body Scan

Bring your awareness to the top of your head. Notice any sensations you might have on your scalp. Relax all the little muscles around your scalp, the sides of your head, the back of your head.

Move your attention to your forehead, eyebrows and eyes, relaxing them as you go. 

Relax your nose, your lips, and tongue. Move your awareness to your cheeks and let your jaw go slack.

Relax the muscles in your neck, collarbone, shoulders, and shoulder blades.

Move down your chest, relaxing the chest wall, your abdomen, and lower abdomen.

Move to the top of your back, and slowly move down…relaxing each vertebrae, and all the muscles going down your back, all the way to your tailbone.

Relax your right thigh. Right knee, leg, ankle, foot, and toes.

Move to your left thigh and relax, and then your left  knee, leg, ankle, foot and toes.

Now re-scan your whole body, noticing any sensations. If you feel any area that needs relaxing, focus your attention there and relax those muscles.

Gratitude and Some Affirmations

As you begin this new day, invoke a sense of gratitude for what your body allows you to do in each moment. Thank your body for the good work it does each moment of every day.

You have all the strength and power you need to embrace this new day and all the hours in it. 

You move about your day in a calm, relaxed manner. 

Allow yourself to breathe. Your attention is on the inhale and the exhale…

Stay focused on your breath for about a minute. 

Ending the Meditation

Keep your eyes closed or capped as you near the end of this meditation. 

Keep your awareness on your breathing. Allow yourself to feel the in and out rhythm of the breath. In and out. In…and out…

On your next inhale, allow the fingers and toes to wiggle if you wish. Gently shift your arms or legs as needed. 

When you’re ready, open your eyes with a soft downward gaze. Keep your focus inward. 

Open your eyes fully as you’re ready. You are ready to start your day.